Curtas Foster stopped by the WEOL and Chronicle-Telegram booth at the Lorain County Fair Monday afternoon and got his picture taken with WEOL sports announcer Tim Alcorn.
Curtas, a 2005 graduate of Marion L. Steele High School in Amherst, said he has lived in Lorain County for seven years (he lived in Arizona before that) but had never before been to the Lorain County Fair.
What brought him out this year? A friend’s kid was showing a cow, he said. He described his first fair as “interesting …”
While chatting with Alcorn, Foster picked up a Forecast high school sports magazine from WEOL. Foster said he had a lot of high school friends who played sports and is a big fan of local high school sports.

WEOL sports announcer Tim Alcorn chats with Curtas Foster, who stopped by the WEOL and Chronicle-Telegram tent at the Lorain County Fair Monday afternoon. (Photo by Rona Proudfoot, The Chronicle-Telegram.)
Do you want to be on Stop by the tent the Chronicle is sharing with WEOL (by Sterk American Cafeteria) and ask me to take your picture. If I’m not here, look for me out and about around the fairgrounds in my bright gold T-shirt.