I was videoing draft horse and farm horse judging Wednesday afternoon when some fairgoers spotted my Chroniclet.com T-shirt and asked me to snap their picture.

Nicole Russo of Elyria, back left, Sarah Majoras of Elyria, back right, and Cassie Riddick of Grafton, front. (Photo by Rona Proudfoot, The Chronicle-Telegram.)
Nicole Russo of Elyria, Sarah Majoras of Elyria and Cassie Riddick of Grafton said they had just checked out the LifeFlight helicopter and eaten some fried veggies.
It was the first day at the fair for Nicole and Sarah, but Cassie had been there all week showing her rabbit, for which she received a blue ribbon.
Nicole and Sarah said they had just checked out the aqua massage and called it “well worth the $3.”
There plans from there? “To rest and relax for the derby this weekend!”
Not long after, I bumped into some friends of mine from Lorain, Tasha Andrewski and her sister Drema Logsdon, who were pulling Emily and Matthew Gose in a Wagon.
Tasha said they’d just grabbed some fair food, and Emily and Matthew were still munching on their cheeseburgers.
From there? They were off to “pet some animals,” they said.
Earlier in the day I had some special visitors at the booth The Chronicle-Telegram is sharing with WEOL-AM 930 and K96, our media partners.
Bonnie Wallace, mother of Chronicle Managing Editor Julie Wallace, stopped by with Mallory, Julie’s daughter.

Tasha Andrewski, back left, Drema Logsdon, back right, and Emily and Matthew Gose. (Photo by Rona Proudfoot, The Chronicle-Telegram.)

Mallory, daughter of Chronicle-Telegram Managing Editor Julie Wallace, came to the fair with her grandmother, Bonnie Wallace. (Photo by Rona Proudfoot, The Chronicle-Telegram.)