
Fair rodeo results

Bareback riding

  1. Josh Shackleford, 83 points on J Bar J Rodeo’s Up The River, $646
  2. Jared Smith, 81, $485
  3. (tie) Steven Peebles and Tim Wilkinson, 79, $242 each

Steer wrestling

  1. Cody Gardner, 4.2 seconds, $798
  2. Justin Morehouse, 4.6, $599
  3. Noel Strahan, 5.4, $399
  4. Bones Strahan, 6.0, $200

Team roping

  1. Chance Weldon/Colt Becht, 11.8 seconds, $570
  2. Alan Weilnau/Greg Drew, 13.0, $428
  3. Tyler Waters/Scott Conlee, 13.7, $285
  4. Rob McPhail/Garett Madry, 13.9, $143

Saddle bronc riding

  1. Lyle Welling, 82 points on J Bar J Rodeo’s Hell’s a Poppin’, $646
  2. Roy Toney, 78, $538
  3. Cody Rud, 72, $377
  4. No other qualified rides.

Tie-down roping

  1. Jess Hume, 9.9 seconds, $798
  2. Russell Wells, 10.0, $599
  3. Tyler Waters, 10.3, $399
  4. Casey Hume, 10.7, $200

Barrel racing

  1. Natalie Overholt, 14.29 seconds, $520
  2. Sarah Attea, 14.34, $452
  3. Teresa Quay, 14.47, $384
  4. Christina Dusendang, 14.71, $317
  5. Tammy Sutton, 15.00, $249
  6. (tie) Esther Miller and Kathy Stoker, 15.11, $147
  7. Becky Dixon, 15.12, $45

Bull riding

No qualified rides.

Total payoff: $14,855.

Stock contractors: J Bar J Inc. and Gold Buckle Rodeo Company. Rodeo secretary: Margaret Zinser. Officials: Chris Bastein and Roger Walter. Timers: Margaret Zinser and Shannon Zinser. Announcer: Joe Scully. Specialty act: John Hayden. Clowns/bullfighters: Andrew Gust and Art Gust. Barrelman: John Hayden. Flankmen: Josh Dohme and Ed Lepper. Chute bosses: Jim Zinser. Pickup men: Stacey Benton and Cody Zinser.

Info from the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association,

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