

1/20/23 7:20 Logistics is one of the most critical roles in today’s US Army Reserve. It means getting the right supplies and the right people where they need to be, when they’re needed. The US Army Reserve is saluting the soldiers who serve in the Logistics Corps, which marks its 15th anniversary this month! Here to talk about the mission-critical role of this specialized group of soldiers was award-winning Army Reserve Engineer Maintenance Warrant Officer, Timothy Andress! (6:52)

1/20/23 8:40 Elyria Mayor Frank Whitfield is attending the United States Conference of Mayors in Washington, DC, today! Nearly 300 mayors from across the nation are attending to discuss solutions to a wide range of issues facing cities, including public safety, mental health, immigration, infrastructure, and climate change. Mayor Whitfield joined the guys on the Morning Show to talk about what kind of knowledge and expertise he hopes to gain from the conference and what issues he wants to change right here in Elyria. (11:48)

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