
Fair food: Italian meatball sandwich

Well, it’s been a while since I posted on the fair food I’d been checking out, but, trust me, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been eating.

A couple days ago some perfectly innocent — and I’m sure perfectly delicious — fried green tomatoes put me over the edge. I just happened to be eating these when I hit my fried food breaking point. They tasted pretty good, but I had to choke them down.

So I returned to the fair the next day determined — I was on the hunt for non-fried fair food.

I took a couple suggestions and wandered the midway for a while.

I finally stumbled upon Lobo’s Pasta. I can’t say that I’ve ever thought of pasta as a festival food. In fact, you say “Italian” and “fair” to me, and I’m going to think pizza or stromboli. (And if you’ve been reading, my fair pizza was less than impressive.)

But Lobo’s smelled good, and it wasn’t fried. The stand had gnocchi (A HUGE favorite of mine), cavatelli (OK, but I always sort of thought of it as wannabe gnocchi) and ravioli. I was on the go, though, and didn’t feel like sitting and eating with utensils, so I opted for a meatball sandwich.

The meatball sandwich was cheap by fair standards ($4) and HUGE. The bun was probably six or seven inches long, and once I thought they’d filled it, they kept going with the meatballs.

So much for my idea of eating on the go. I couldn’t even wrap my mouth around this sandwich!

So I returned to my booth, and ate it slowly, trying (not so successfully) to not make a mess (and a fool) of myself.

Five-star Italian food it probably isn’t. And I wouldn’t have minded it being a little warmer (had I been home, I’d have nuked it). But for fair food … let’s just say this is the first thing I’ve ate all week that made me forget I was eating at the fair!

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