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Check out Railroad Brewing Company in Avon!

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Need something fun to do before the end of summer? Or maybe trying to make gameday plans for the fall? Check out Railroad Brewing Company – Center Station, in Avon, right on the tracks on Route 83! They’ve got a little bit of something for everyone on the menu, as well as awesome indoor and outdoor seating areas. Plus, they have live music, weekly trivia, and daily specials!

Owner Tom Wagner joined our Lorain County Football Coaches Show at the restaurant and talked about what they’ve got coming up in the near future.

Give him a listen, and check out Railroad Brewing Company in Avon!

2023 High School Football Coaches Preview Show

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Special thanks to Railroad Brewing Company in Avon for hosting the 2023 Lorain County High School Football Coaches Preview Show! 

Below, click on the helmet of the team’s head coach interview you want to listen to!


Tom Thome


Mike Elder

Avon Lake

Matt Kostelnik

Black River

Kyle Clark


Scott O’Donnell

Mike Collier



Jason Ward


Brian Fox


Ryan O’Rourke


Don Griswold

North Ridgeville

Bryan Morgan


Mark Campo


Bill DiFucci


Rob Howells

Railroad Brewing

Tom Wagner


End of Summer Savings with Coupon Queen Rachel Krych

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

Rachel Krych, The Chronicle-Telegram’s Coupon Queen

August is here and school is right around the corner.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t still fun and affordable ways to enjoy this summer!

Chronicle-Telegram Coupon Queen Rachel Krych made her weekly visit and shared some great ways to enjoy the end of summer, from planning a quick beach day to checking out free outdoor events, the possibilities are endless!

Checking in with the Oberlin Business Partnership!

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

Tuesday’s bring us to the Main Street Beat, where this week we return to Oberlin with Oberlin Business Partnership Executive Director Janet Haar!

Janet talked about an upcoming OBP event in Lorain titled “INSPIRING WOMEN SERIES”, where you will have the opportunity to network with women who are on their journeys, to be inspired, and to inspire others! It’s from 5:30pm-8pm at the Sunset Terrace in Lorain!