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There’s Always Next Year!

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

The season might be done for the Cleveland Browns, but we still have the off-season!

John Telich returned with Rocco Nuosci for this week’s Budweiser’s From the Sidelines, presented by North Ridgeville Convenient Sunoco on Center Ridge and Barton Roads.

The guys recap what was an underwhelming season for the brown and orange and what kind of changes the roster and coaching staff could be facing this winter and spring.

Birthday Freebies!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

Rachel Krych, The Chronicle-Telegram’s Coupon Queen!

Whether you celebrate your birth day or the entire month long, be sure to grab some freebies!

The Chronicle-Telegram’s Coupon Queen, Rachel Krych, shared a few of her favorite birthday discounts to save you some cash on your latest trip around the sun. From Starbucks to Buffalo Wild Wings and even Ulta, there’s sure to be some birthday savings for everyone.

Check out her weekly column every Tuesday in The Chronicle-Telegram!

The United Way Needs YOU!

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Colleen Walts

Colleen Walts from the United Way of Greater Lorain County returned to the show as her organization continues to search for volunteers needed to help with the free tax-prep services they provide!

Plus, Colleen shared plenty of other volunteer opportunities available right now for those looking to get involved with the community.

Looking at New Years Health and Fitness Resolutions

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Joanne Ferritto and Erin Murphy

Plenty of folks are making new year’s fitness and health resolutions for 2023. What kind of health resolutions should you be making in the new year?

JoAnne Ferritto and Erin Murphy from Lorain County Public Health stopped by to talk about some resolutions they want you to keep in mind, plus, they shared the latest up-to-date vaccine information.